Hey people! Welcome to my blog.
Here is my new fav. quote for you ppl...
"A small leak can sink a great ship."
# Benjamin Franklin
Welcome to MY blog!
Bored, with nothing to do, but plenty to do
Monday, September 6, 2010 / 6.9.10
Im reeeeally bored now, like literally drooling while staring at ants crawl on my desk. Oh well, since my hands and fingers are itchy i'll just give y'all a list of famous people born on my birthday (16th September)

Alexis Bledel (1981, Houston, Texas, USA)
Mickey Rourke (Schenectady, New York, USA)
Madeline Zima (1985, New Haven, Connecticut, USA)
Amy Poehler (1971, Burlington, Massachusetts, USA)
Nick Jonas (1992, Dallas, Texas, USA)
Lee Kuan Yew (1923, Singapore )
David Copperfield (1956, Metuchen, New Jersey)
Isabella Wong (1901, Gonwonderland, Outer space) -->That's right! I'm 109 years old and kicking!

Sunday, September 5, 2010 / 5.9.10
Whoopee! A week of doing nothing (to heck with my homework) and watching old movies! I kind of prefer watching movies on DVD at home than going to the cinema... I just can't get over the fact that my cinema seat has sat this gazillion butts, and, yup, you get the idea... Well, I guess I'll try to clear my homework in the first half, and spend the second half biting my nails over the danged haunting Finals.
Well, one good thing to look to is MY BDAY! Yup! That's right! I'm aging (not so gracefully but yes, wrinkles are popping up like zits!)
Hmm, the YOG workers' party is on the 16th (date sounds familiar to you?) and it's gonna end like close to midnight. EVEN BETTER... our English Final paper is the next day (*grins fakely*). Oh well, I guess I'll just have to leave early. I'm not gonna waste my food and beverage voucher :D
I WILL GO TO THE PARTY! even if it means flunking my english finals for writing absolute blubbing gibberish.
Well, here's what im probably gonna do most of this pathetically short week:

Tidy up my room (I swear, I don't even need a closet now. Half my clothes are draped on my chair. It's a wonder it doesn't topple (O.O)

Read. (No, not the dictionary! Sheesh! I may be bored, but I'm not brain-dead yet!)

Eat plenty of potatoes :)

Visit the Eiffel Tower (yeah. fat chance. maybe the miniature model in my cousin's house)

Sleep. Plenty. I (yawn) am going to catch up on (yawnyawn) on ALL the sleep that I-I- *Thud*

Tuesday, June 22, 2010 / 22.6.10
Dangdangdang!!! Time does fly. Now it's the last week of our holidays and I've only just got it in my head that I should be playing... And even if I want to, I can't. Still have a couple of hwk to do... Oh well! I guess I'll have to drink away my sorrows in... WATERWATERAND, YUP! YOU GUESSED IT! WATER! ( would like to say beer and uh, more beer, but i guess the uncle in the coffeeshop wouldn't sell me a can, anyway...)
Sheesh... Well at least I'll be going to Universal Studios on Friday! We are getting the ANNUAL PASS!!!! (plays the pre- recorded clapping and cheering)

Went to VIVO on Saturday and bought plenty of cool stuff!! Then went to watch KARATE KID...

Oh well! If I remember, I'll post pics of universal studios on fri! But for now, here's a picture of a weird advertisement

Saturday, May 29, 2010 / 29.5.10

From the top of the world, every breath you take is exhilerating. The view takes your breath away. At 8850 metres above sea level, It's no wonder you feel like you're in heaven.

A cosy living room, a messy bedroom, a burnt kitchen and constant laughter are all that make up a perfect home. What more could anybody want?

Standing in front of the mirror, I look ahead for my future. But all I ever see is the reflection of my bedroom wall.
Then I understood.
Success in the future starts

Hooray, Hooray, Its a holi- holi- day!
/ 29.5.10
Okay, its been like nearly a year since my last post. So... I don't have facebook, or twitter, or msn, and I dont even update my blog regularly. It's official. I HAVE NOO LIFE!
But... so what if I have no life? I mean, I guess that literally makes me th
e breathing dead. But, I guess that leaves me with plenty of time to do random stuff like
staring at the wall


and wondering if I'll ever be able to build a complete snowman (I swear, the snow I get is always defective)

Anyway, digressing again... ROCS ROCKED!!
Here are some of my pics:

EEE!! Leech!

Sickening Guana

A few splodges here and there... But who cares?

One of the millions we took on board

Now THATS zombie!!!

HEEHEE! My! What big teeth you have!

Yeah, thats abt alll i bother to load on. Hopefully I will remember to post again this


Thursday, July 30, 2009 / 30.7.09
Hello! I know my blog is sooper unupdated, but ayah, I am so busy...
Today my class (1G 4ever!) had swimming P.E. It was quite tiring. At least for the Advanced grp... or maybe just me<:D We were supposed to do freestyle the whole time, in different ways. Nvr mind if you don't know what I mean. Anyway,my point is that my freestyle is totally dead. lousy. lame. pathetic. You get the idea.
Arrrrgh!!! Tomorrow there might be a POP quiz and we have life science SPA. And next week I have 3rd Lang. test. So stressing, ppl.
Any of you knows what the (1st) real Queen Isabella was like? (I'm the 2nd). Well, I'll tell ya, she was kind of good and kind of bad. FULL STOP. Which is sort of like me. I can be good, or nice, (I hope), and evil sometimes to CERTAIN people. AhemAhem!
Ngh. Dinnertime. Gotta go!

Saturday, July 4, 2009 / 4.7.09
Hehe, sorry for not posting for so long. I was really busy, and my blog thing spoilt and I didn't bother to post because no one would be able to read it. You know, if you spell 'no one' like 'noone', you might as well pronounce it as nooooooooon, right? Ok, that was lame.

School has started and hwk is like, pouring in. And when I manage to complete those stupid stuff really early, I keep feeling that I missed out something (And usually, I do! I only realise it the next day in sch). So, When I actually get a chance to sleep early, I cannot snooze in peace. Irritating.

Ah well. School was just meant as a torture place. It's just disguised as a nice building. Yay! We have swimming PE next wk!

Let's Talk!!!

Let's Listen!!!

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


1. World peace
2. To be able to sing in tune 50% of a song
3. Tooth fairies to exist
4. A walk - in wardrobe
5. An iPhone
6. A good GPA
7. For my sister to grow a moustache

What is my fav. colour?
The current bk. I'm reading?
My bookshelf is chockful of, well, books, but I STILL can't decide.
Ice Cream ROCKS!

Any questions? If you do, please call 62353535 for assistance. While doing that, you might as well order a pizza too. I like pepperoni!