Hey people! Welcome to my blog.
Here is my new fav. quote for you ppl...
"A small leak can sink a great ship."
# Benjamin Franklin
Welcome to MY blog!
Friday, May 29, 2009 / 29.5.09

Me and my sister.

/ 29.5.09
Haha, now it's holiday time! Actually, not really. I have like, this pile of homework. If you muuust be 'keh poh' and hear about it, well. 2 long Chinese worksheets on storybooks and news reports, 2 or 3 journal entries to scribble, a life science project, ISO, an english report thing, a cushion cover to design, an irritating file to, uh, file, art project (trump card), literature reading and online maths. Whoppers!1!1! 
Oh, yeah, so sad that our ROCs ppt. did not win right, especially since Grace put in so much effort... bad luck alsos that in week 3 next term, we have another German test. 
p.s. Me is zo excited about watching M.A.A.N. on Sun!  Yay, we're gonna have a class picnic!

Thursday, May 28, 2009 / 28.5.09
Can you ppl pleease tag me? My tagboard  has only 1 tag. mine. pathetic.

Yoggles hoho <3
/ 28.5.09

Hi, It was so super dead tiring in school today. We had to discuss stuff for our ROCs (danged project) and my group was so messed up! Then after recess, we went to the com. lab to try and finish it up. Wah, I tell you ah, there were so many things to do.
But good news!!! I received my third lang.(German) SA1 results. I topped the class with 97/100, yay! Hope I get just as high/higher next term.

Guten Tag!

Let's Talk!!!

Let's Listen!!!

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


1. World peace
2. To be able to sing in tune 50% of a song
3. Tooth fairies to exist
4. A walk - in wardrobe
5. An iPhone
6. A good GPA
7. For my sister to grow a moustache

What is my fav. colour?
The current bk. I'm reading?
My bookshelf is chockful of, well, books, but I STILL can't decide.
Ice Cream ROCKS!

Any questions? If you do, please call 62353535 for assistance. While doing that, you might as well order a pizza too. I like pepperoni!